Charter Member Cancellation Form

We’re sorry to hear you’d like to cancel your Charter Membership. Please fill out this online form and our team will process it in the next 24-48 business hours.

FOC Exit Survey

Member Name(Required)
Would you like to continue your membership in the Family Office Club by downgrading to our Standard Charter Membership level for just $249 per month?(Required)
Would you like to continue your membership in the Family Office Club by downgrading to our E-Charter Membership level for just $99 per month?(Required)
Would you like to pause your membership for 2-months?(Required)
Would you like to cancel your membership?(Required)
Reason for leaving our network:(Required)
Did you get your 1,000+ hours of Capital Raising Training, Implementation, Pitch Prep Workshop for your team and get them certified via Investment Certifications?(Required)
Did you submit your marketing material for feedback from Richard C. Wilson?(Required)
As a charter member with us we provide to you 100 investor contacts for you to reach out to along with 10 contacts per private investor summit. Were you able to take advantage of this?(Required)
Were you aware that we have 24,000 Investor Contacts for 11,000 Investors accessible to you?(Required)